$110.00 $128.00
Did you know it takes babies six months to develop their permanent skin tone? You’re...
$110.00 $128.00
Did you know babies’ skin tone changes during six months before they develop their permanent...
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Gently cleanse and shower your little one with love while nourishing their delicate skin with...
$112.00 $120.00
Make bath time fun and foamy with ATTITUDE little leaves™ 2-in-1 Shampoo and Body Wash...
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Ever wondered why babies spill so much? It takes 14 months to develop the hand-eye...
$160.00 $165.00
(中性/乾燥/敏感/濕疹肌膚適用) - 專為敏感、遺傳性過敏、過敏性皮膚或濕疹的人而設計 - 低過敏性,無香料成分 - 蘊含豐富燕麥膠精華 - 有效抵禦乾燥肌膚再現,增強和恢復皮膚的天然屏障 - 有效改善乾燥、痕癢、甩皮和泛紅四大濕疹肌膚問題 - 由2%的膠體燕麥構成,形成一個保護膜,保持皮膚良好的濕度,改善皮膚屏障,舒緩皮膚乾燥瘙癢。 - 通過美國國家濕疹協會認證™ (National Eczema Association) - EWG安全認證(美國環境工作組織A級評分) 可溫和清潔寶寶肌膚, 可增強初生嬰兒的肌膚, 可舒緩幼嫩及成熟的敏感肌膚 Our...
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Did you know you can predict your newborn’s mood and temperature based on his skin...