Most laundry detergents contain enzymes. Basically, they’re digesting the dirt off fabrics! Unfortunately, these enzymes...
Did you know you can predict your newborn’s mood and temperature based on his skin...
$155.00 $168.00
Ever wondered why babies spill so much? It takes 14 months to develop the hand-eye...
$155.00 $168.00
Sleep tight with our hypoallergenic Soothing Chamomile Laundry Detergent. Our effective solution is gentle on...
$110.00 $128.00
Did you know it takes babies six months to develop their permanent skin tone? You’re...
$110.00 $128.00
Did you know babies’ skin tone changes during six months before they develop their permanent...
$112.00 $120.00
Make bath time fun and foamy with ATTITUDE little leaves™ 2-in-1 Shampoo and Body Wash...
$112.00 $120.00
Gently cleanse and shower your little one with love while nourishing their delicate skin with...
Did you know that straight hair is made of round fibers, while wavy or curly...
Ever wondered why hair gets tangled? When the outer layer of the hair strand, or...
$160.00 $165.00
(中性/乾燥/敏感/濕疹肌膚適用) - 專為敏感、遺傳性過敏、過敏性皮膚或濕疹的人而設計 - 低過敏性,無香料成分 - 蘊含豐富燕麥膠精華 - 有效抵禦乾燥肌膚再現,增強和恢復皮膚的天然屏障 - 有效改善乾燥、痕癢、甩皮和泛紅四大濕疹肌膚問題 - 由2%的膠體燕麥構成,形成一個保護膜,保持皮膚良好的濕度,改善皮膚屏障,舒緩皮膚乾燥瘙癢。 - 通過美國國家濕疹協會認證™ (National Eczema Association) - EWG安全認證(美國環境工作組織A級評分) 可溫和清潔寶寶肌膚, 可增強初生嬰兒的肌膚, 可舒緩幼嫩及成熟的敏感肌膚 Our...
$238.00 $328.00
1.可以摺埋,袋落個袋帶出街就好方便! 2.320g ,即0.7磅,非常輕巧! 3.負重可高達1700 kg! 4.有多種顏色選擇! 5.物料係ABS plastic,即ABS樹脂,是一種強度高、韌性好、易於加工成型的熱塑型高分子材料! (同Lego物料係friend啦)😆 6.使用方法簡單,只需自備可即棄膠袋 In our opinion,it’s the...
$238.00 $328.00
1.可以摺埋,袋落個袋帶出街就好方便! 2.320g ,即0.7磅,非常輕巧! 3.負重可高達1700 kg! 4.有多種顏色選擇! 5.物料係ABS plastic,即ABS樹脂,是一種強度高、韌性好、易於加工成型的熱塑型高分子材料! (同Lego物料係friend啦)😆 6.使用方法簡單,只需自備可即棄膠袋 In our opinion,it’s the best...
$238.00 $328.00
1.可以摺埋,袋落個袋帶出街就好方便! 2.320g ,即0.7磅,非常輕巧! 3.負重可高達1700 kg! 4.有多種顏色選擇! 5.物料係ABS plastic,即ABS樹脂,是一種強度高、韌性好、易於加工成型的熱塑型高分子材料! (同Lego物料係friend啦)😆 6.使用方法簡單,內附10個可即棄膠袋 In our opinion,it’s the best...
$150.00 $300.00
韓國品牌GreegoLamp自由創作睡房床頭燈 1) 最大特色: 燈罩圖案可自由創作, 可畫畫, 做剪影, 展示書法, 或放照片圖。 2) 最佳親子活動, 可與家中小朋友一起設計獨一無二的燈罩圖案, 製造美好回憶的紀念品。 3) USB線插頭, 適合及方便各地使用。...
A must have for any household with babies or toddlers! Our washcloths consist of cotton...
Your baby will look adorable in this bandana drool bib. Made of 95/5 cotton/lycra, it fits...
Your baby will look adorable in this bandana droolbib . Made of 95/5 cotton/lycra, it fits...
Your baby will look adorable in this bandana droolbib. Made of 95/5 cotton/lycra, it fits perfectly...
商品描述 採用歐洲高級無毒塑膠(聚醯胺,Polyamide) 奶嘴的透氣閥確保平內外氣壓均勻,減少吞入空氣與腹絞痛的機會 顏料印製圖案, 能吸引寶寶注意, 更可增加瓶身與手部的接觸點產生防滑作用, 令瓶身不易滑手 不含雙酚A,放心使用 透明度高,輕重量,不易碎 適合初生嬰兒使用 耐熱溫度: 120 ℃ 歐洲製造 ...
商品描述 採用歐洲食品級PA材質 奶嘴的透氣閥確保平內外氣壓均勻,減少吞入空氣與腹絞痛的機會 顏料印製圖案, 能吸引寶寶注意, 更可增加瓶身與手部的接觸點產生防滑作用, 令瓶身不易滑手 不含雙酚A,放心使用 透明度高,輕重量,不易碎 適合初生嬰兒使用 耐熱溫度: 120 ℃ 歐洲製造 ...
商品描述 採用歐洲食品級PA材質 奶嘴的透氣閥確保平內外氣壓均勻,減少吞入空氣與腹絞痛的機會 顏料印製圖案, 能吸引寶寶注意, 更可增加瓶身與手部的接觸點產生防滑作用, 令瓶身不易滑手 不含雙酚A,放心使用 透明度高,輕重量,不易碎 適合初生嬰兒使用 耐熱溫度: 120 ℃ 歐洲製造 ...
$198.00 $220.00
唔想每晚半夜矇住眼幫BB執幾百次奶咀? 想唔想寶寶的奶咀和Sleeping buddy二合為一? 我們的 #Minikoioi ~ Pacifier Holder就可以做到啦! #好眠奶咀寶寶 Minikoioi –一個來自土耳其的品牌。 相信很多父母日常普遍接觸到的嬰幼兒用品都是來自日本、美國、加拿大或現在熱捧的韓國。來自中東國家的實在少有。但在外國, Minikoioi是外國媽媽選用的大熱品牌。而Minikoioi 在質感和設計可是一點都不輸給歐美品牌啊!...
$58.00 $80.00
Designed to make it easy for tiny fingers to grip. Helps with the development of...
$58.00 $80.00
Designed to make it easy for tiny fingers to grip. Helps with the development of...
$58.00 $80.00
Designed to make it easy for tiny fingers to grip. Helps with the development of...
$58.00 $80.00
Designed to make it easy for tiny fingers to grip. Helps with the development of...
$35.00 $120.00
此浸浴包是傳統上被用來緩解疼痛和促進分娩後的癒合。 So Luxury選擇了最香和有益的草藥為此修復及舒緩混合浸浴包。 包括海鹽、薰衣草、金盞花、覆盆子葉、康弗雷、洋甘菊、雅羅和迷迭香等。 有修復及舒緩功效之餘, 亦可媽媽放鬆浸泡, 營造令人放鬆的花香。 每盒都配有3個單獨的浸浴包。 路線:將一袋放在8杯熱開水中20分鐘(就像你最喜歡的茶杯一樣)。將釀造的浸浴包茶加入洗澡水中浸泡20分鐘,或加入直接使用在浴缸。 ***請注意, 此商品為只限浸浴之用, 絕不能飲用*** Sitz Baths have...
$278.00 $320.00
- Steriliser your baby's pacifier in just two minutes! -You can also steriliser your make...
$278.00 $320.00
- Steriliser your baby's pacifier in just two minutes! -You can also steriliser your make...
$278.00 $320.00
- Steriliser your baby's pacifier in just two minutes! -You can also steriliser your make...
Our lightweight 0.2 TOG Cocoon Swaddle Bag is designed to contain startle reflex while keeping...
$250.00 $288.00
Our 1.0 TOG Cocoon Swaddle Bag is designed to contain startle reflex while keeping your...
The small Régliss’ donkey with its short blue fur is the perfect gift for new-borns....
This 18 cm chubby bear, exclusively composed of the softest materials, is the perfect companion...
Softest micro velour fabric Machine washable Perfect addition to the nursery Doudou size - 20cm/...
$168.00 $239.00
Silky and soft animal friends to accompany babies from birth and beyond. In Fur. 19...
Softest micro velour fabric Perfect addition to the nursery Size - 18cm/ Box size - ...
The small Régliss’ donkey with its short blue fur is the perfect gift for new-borns....
$350.00 $400.00
Flat Sheet 140x160cm Fitted 77x135x19cm Pillowcase 40x60cm 3 piece crisp cotton percale sheet set. All...
$150.00 $180.00
60x120cm All natural fibres and super absorbent. Superior comfort.
$280.00 $370.00
With a wind up mechanism, this Musical Mobile will lull baby to a relaxing sleep....
$200.00 $250.00
70x90 cm Supersoft and snuggly velour cuddle blanket. Sure to become the next "blankie". Beautiful...
$388.00 $400.00
With a wind up mechanism, this Musical Mobile featuring cute white bears will drift baby into...
$220.00 $250.00
Ensure your little one is wrapped in comfort with printed Jersey Wraps from Bubba Blue....
$180.00 $220.00
Our quality Cot Fitted Sheets ensure your baby's cot will be always ready for a...
$80.00 $110.00
Size: 25x25cm Luxuriously Plush & Absorbent Cotton / polyester rich towelling with feature embroidery Co-ordinating...
$150.00 $170.00
Our bassinet jersey fitted sheet is made from Cotton/Elastane mix for natural softness and breathability...