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About Us

If you are looking for the best baby products online, you have come to the right place! If you always feel insecure and not knowing what is the best for your babies, we are here to help you out!
Mommylicious CLUB is dedicated to offering the most stylish, best quality and exclusive baby and toddler products to serve your needs. We’ve gone a far way to build our shop and is equipped to impress! We are here to source the best products from across the world, to offer you with the best assortments from kids essentials, maternity care and home décor products. 
Started by a Hong Kong mom of 2 beautiful children, Victoria, knowing firsthand how hard it can be to run a successful household, while still keeping in touch with the most up and coming baby brands across the globe by attending expos and seminars.  From the experience of being a high end Italian luxury fashion brand buyer for the past 12 years, Victoria shared her expertise in sourcing the unique whilst useful baby products that each household should have. She saw the myriad of endeavors each new day brought, without always having the time to prioritize the perfect aesthetic for our beloved babies. 
Our team is committed to making your shopping experience as enjoyable as possible, while keeping your little one with the best products to use daily. We strive to provide the best and unique items for babies that can wow the whole room! 
As a club, we work together and treat all our customers as a family. We host prenatal seminars, confinement lessons and sharing groups to all moms and babies.

Mommylicious CLUB分別在香港和加拿大都設有網站零售點, 商品都在世界各地搜羅不同優質品牌及新穎的產品給各位媽媽同寶寶!! 包括嬰兒產品, 媽媽產前產後護理, 兒童玩具, 還有成長學習與教學及dna天賦檢測等等!!  務求幫助媽媽們或新手爸媽, 迎接新生命的同時有好的產品輔助, 令照顧寶寶及孩子都可以更得心應手更順利!!! 

而於加拿大除了網店, 亦設有實體店,  主要提供一個室內的親子活動空間。 而其中一個主打概念, 就是提供「媽媽原創坊-Mompreneurs」的服務。是一個可增強和支持媽媽開展自己的事業的平台,特別針對一些還未建立自己的銷售渠道或資源不足的媽媽們。 致力於幫助有才華的媽媽們,以可負擔的價錢透過我們的平台,銷售和推廣她們的產品及服務。提供一站式的免憂支援服務,並從客戶服務跟進,客戶付款處理,營銷到促銷研討會等方面提供不同的支援和幫助。
