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🥂(1盒30片) RE-BOUNCE Anti-Hangover Oral Dissolving Strip 神之解宿醉口服脷底片 ~ 5分鐘極速吸收, 解酒同時護肝

Mommylicious CLUB

🍻RE-BOUNCE | Anti-Hangover Oral Dissolving Strip

/ A better way to celebrate without hassle /

/ 一種更好更快更狠更準的解宿醉方式/

產地:美國 Made in USA GMP認證

規格:1盒30片(30 strip/box)

NAC 乙酰半胱胺酸……….50mg
Mugwort 艾蒿………20mg
Milk Thistlea 水飛薊………30mg


Efficacy: Anti-Blush, Slow down alcohol absorption, re-bounce the next day without headache and hangover.




Usage:Take 1 strip before alcohol consumption, take another 1 strip after the night is over.

Place one strip under tongue and allow it to dissolve, then swallow.









✔️有助於消化和支持肝臟排毒, 使毒素通過尿液排出,並緩解飲酒者的胃部不適。





✔️快速吸收,攜帶方便, 5分鐘內見效( 坊間解酒丸一般需要30分鐘以上)




當體內血液中的酒精濃度恢復到零時,症狀達到頂峰,可持續 24 小時左右。雖然它不會直接危及生命,但由於症狀會影響身體協調性和注意力,其影響會對您和周圍的人造成危險。因此,駕駛等任務和決策等認知過程都會受到影響。

近年來,另一種與宿醉相關的症狀開始流行起來,那就是 "宿醉焦慮"(hangxiety),指的是焦慮感與宿醉症狀相結合。雖然這並不是一個醫學上認可的術語,但治療師承認,有些人在出現傳統宿醉症狀的同時,還會產生更強烈的擔憂、羞愧、偏執和恐懼感,從而使飲酒後的後遺症變得更加難以承受。

 Hangovers are an unfortunate side effect of a night of drinking. The headache, nausea, and fatigue can make it difficult to get anything done the next day. While there are many remedies for a hangover, one of the most popular options is hangover pills. These hangover strips are designed to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover and help you feel better faster.

We've all been there - a night of overindulgence that leaves us feeling less than our best the next day. While there's no magic cure for a hangover, there are products out there that can help ease the symptoms. Our innovative technology of under tongue ingestion and revamped packaging houses a trusted formula, guaranteeing a reliable remedy for rough mornings. Packed with liver-loving ingredients and proudly made in the USA GMP certified manufacture , it's a quality safety net for celebratory aftermath.

Packed with essential ingredients like Milk Thistle, NAC, Mugwort,and various herbal extracts, this hangover pill provides comprehensive relief. The formula's emphasis on liver support, coupled with its USA origin, assures users of both quality and safety.

✔️Helps process alcohol while you sleep and support liver health

✔️Promotes healthy liver function

✔️Replenishes key vitamins and electrolytes

✔️Can be taken any time before, during or right after drinking

✔️Contains key vitamins and minerals to replenish the body

✔️Easy-to-use format for convenience

✔️Fast-acting relief to ease hangover symptoms simultaneous in about 5 minutes vs hangover pills in at least 30 minutes

✔️maintain body electrolytes level and hydration

✔️ease stomach discomfort and nausea

✔️Pocket-sized packets make them perfect for party favors and wedding welcome bag

Cautions and warnings: Consult a health care professional prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out reach of children.

Known adverse reactions: Stop use if hypersensitivity / allergy occurs.

Recommended storage: Store in a cool, dry place.

*This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

注意和警告:如果您懷孕或哺乳,請在使用前諮詢醫療保健專業人員。請將其放在兒 童接觸不到的地方。



*此產品沒有根據《藥劑業及毒 藥條例》或《中醫藥 條例》註冊。為此產品作出的任何聲稱亦沒 有為進行該等註冊而接受 評核。此產品並不供作診斷、 治療或預防任何疾病之用。


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