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Alfresco UK

Being bitten by insects can be unpleasant and in some cases, downright dangerous, but a good insect repellent can keep these pests away. Alfresco is the best natural insect repellent available to buy online and is incredibly effective at repelling bugs and insects without covering you in harsh chemicals.

Our anti-bug bite fragrances and anti-bug bite moisturisers contain natural ingredients and are completely DEET free. The natural blend can be used on all skin types and can even be used on babies and young children without the worry of the effect of chemicals on their delicate skin. In fact, our moisturisers not only keep insects away, but can leave your skin feeling fantastic. The fragrances are naturally scented and smell great for both men and women, featuring a blend of essential oils which include patchouli and orange.

Alfresco natural insect repellent products are used all over the world and are even loved by celebrities due to their luxury ingredients, including a unique blend of over twenty essential oils. They are incredibly effective at keeping insects at bay, so you can be confident that you will stay bite-free when you use Alfresco anti-bug bite products.



· 可與防曬一起使用
· 孕婦﹑6個月以上嬰兒可以使用
· 濕疹及皮膚敏感人士可以使用
· G6PD缺乏症患者可以使用
· 防蚊同時滋潤皮膚,可每天使用
· 香港醫護學會認證產品
· 香港標準及檢定中心測試報告, 符合FDA對化裝品含汞的規定
· 符合GB7916-87針對化妝品的衛生標準
· BB香味,質地清爽,不會刺激小朋友的嗅覺

Alfresco ®英國草本防蚊產品,100%英國製造。Alfresco蘊含20種純天然草本精華成份,不含避蚊胺(DEET),質地清爽又保濕,BB香味,有效預防蚊蟲叮咬。即使是最幼嫩的嬰兒肌膚、敏感性皮膚,孕婦及哺乳期的媽媽都可安心使用。

Alfresco ®蘊含護膚精華,能緊鎖水份,滋潤補濕,質地清爽又保濕,令肌膚時刻保持緊致柔滑,可用作日常護膚用品。此外,氣味天然芳香,充滿草本香味,使用後也不會感到刺鼻不適。




1. 使用前均勻搖動樽身
2. 將防蚊潤膚乳液塗於身體外露的各部份。
3. 皮膚敏感人士,可先把防蚊潤膚乳液塗於手部進行局部測試。
4. 每3至4小時補搽一次,以發揮最大功效。
5. 可與Alfresco草本防蚊香水一起使用,發揮最大功效。 






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