Babymate is from Taiwan and was established in 2009, she is a good partner of your baby, Babymate brand is very popular in Hong Kong and Macau and the first choice by the mommies because our insistence of the baby product quality.
The baby products are very mature in the market, base on this kind of realistic environment, Babymate brand will design the baby products with special material, elegant shape and functions, the major purpose is operated and handled easily for mommies, of course the safety consideration for babies is the first priority. Babymate's OEM manufacturers are from the worldwide who are the professional and excellent factories, they have many experiences to produce the baby products, of course they are audited by Babymate seriously. That is why Babymate brand is recognized in the market in a short times, it is because of this kind of concepts.
成立於 2009 年,來自台灣的品牌 Babymate,秉持著對嬰幼兒產品品質的堅持,使得 Babymate 品牌在香港澳門受到廣大媽咪的喜愛。
Babymate 品牌是朝向嬰幼兒用品類的特殊材質、特殊外型設計、特殊功能為主軸,方便媽咪使用,並以嬰幼兒的安全為第一考量來設計 Babymate 品牌的產品,因此 Babymate 的產品會來自不同國家的優質製造商,全部都具有豐富的生產經驗,也經過 Babymate 嚴格的檢驗,就是要為香港的父母提供更多具有創新意念又安全的產品。
安全的設計是 Babymate 的核心理念,在安全的前提下將產品最佳化,其中 Babymate 香蕉牙膠就是一個典型的例子,Babymate 用的材料是食用級矽膠,是一種可以耐高溫和消毒的牙膠,並非用可能致敏又不耐高溫消毒的橡膠和塑膠的混合物材料。此外 Babymate 電動吸鼻機也是通過醫療認證的產品,不僅可以安全使用,也是媽咪照顧寶寶的恩物。
Babymate產品當中, 無線腋窩體溫計於 2019年香港貿發局國際嬰兒用品展獲得產品創新獎 (Merit Award)。
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