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Charlie Banana USA

Charlie Banana® was created out of love for eco-friendliness, quality and design. We wanted to design products that anyone would feel confident using on themselves and on their babies, a brand they would recommend to their friends. We wanted products that make you feel good on so many different levels.


  1. Eco-friendliness — At Charlie Banana®, it’s Earth Day every day. We go green and aim for zero waste in every product we create. It takes 6,000 disposable diapers to get a child through her or his first two years of life, and it takes 500 years for each of those diapers to decompose — but it doesn’t have to. This is why we choose cloth.
  2. Best quality — We are committed to using only the finest materials and making products that last. Charlie Banana® award-winning cloth diapers are highly absorbent, don’t leak and are easy to use and take care of. Bonus: they come with a 1-year warranty.
  3. Innovation — Charlie Banana® is the only washable cloth diaper that truly grows with your baby. Its patented bra-strap adjustment system allows to individually accommodate the growth of each child and ensures a perfect fit at all stages. We also introduced reusable feminine pads that use two snaps instead of one, which makes sure that they stay in one place even when you exercise.
  4. Stylish designs — Reusable has never looked this good! We have created dozens of cute prints and stylish patterns that please all kinds of fashionistas., including a collection inspired by the iconic Sophie la girafe®.
  5. Safe and healthy — Our washable diapers, wipes and feminine pads are free of parabens and perfumes, which reduces the risk of skin irritation, diaper rash and allergies. We use organic and OEKO-TEX® fabrics whenever possible and test our products under the strict guidelines of CPSIA USA and European protocols.
  6. Utter comfort — Charlie Banana® products are soft, touchable and made with love. We aim to make you and your child feel hugged every time you use them. All our diapers have wide back and leg elastics, which keep them snug and prevent leaks, while ensuring that your little one is as comfortable as it gets. 
  7. Economical — Going reusable saves the planet — and your money. Switching to cloth will leave you with some extra $700 - $1,100 by the time your child is fully potty-trained. To help you save even more, we also have a special sales page and send regular discounts to our customers (hint: subscribe for our newsletter for endless coupon love).
  8. Social responsibility — At Winc Design, Inc., we make sure that the workers get fair treatment and are well taken care of. Charlie Banana® proudly support "Operation Smile" and other non-profit organizations. We pride ourselves in being a small company with a big heart
  9. Trusted by thousands of customers all over the world — Since 2010, Charlie Banana® products have won loyal customers in 66 countries.  We are proud to support local retailers and small online stores. We also make customer satisfaction our priority, because we love what we do and love whom we serve.
  10. We keep it fun — Saving the planet is a serious cause, but we pursue it with a smile on our faces. We love spreading our passion for reducing waste and promoting sustainable lifestyle!

Charlie Banana®® 是一個為熱愛環保, 品質和設計而創造的品牌。我們希望設計出來的產品能讓任何人都會有信心地使用在自己和他們的寶寶身上, 並會推薦給朋友。並能在不同的範籌裡,讓你感覺良好。


  • 健康 : 一些研究表示, 危害寶寶的健康, 通常在即棄尿片化學產品中發現。Charlie Banana®產品對你的寶寶是比較健康, 因為它有柔軟的微纖絨毛布層尿布去接觸你寶寶皮膚,能保持乾爽和減少出現尿布疹。寶寶應最好每兩小時更換一次尿布。但請不要使用寶寶爽身粉。
  • 節省金錢:證明了尿布能節省金錢。您將平均節省$1000至2500美元,這取決於你使用那個品牌尿布在你的寶寶上。如果你使用可重用的有機棉手巾/抹巾, 你就節省更多。
  • 環保:寶寶初時24個月,平均使用6000條即棄尿片。或者有些寶寶會用到5歲,這情況並不少見。一個孩子成長能產生尿片廢物超過1噸。 你在短途旅程上需要攜帶約24至36條即棄尿片,這很重很浪費空間,我們還未計算即棄紙巾塑料之類物品等......
  • 可愛:尿布設計是很可愛, 尤其是Charlie Banana®配備和圖案相當完美。
  • 防止滲漏:尿布是最適合舒適不過,防滲漏功夫方面做得相當比較好。
  • 吸收:片芯擁有極高吸收力。
  • 安心睡覺:因為我們物料是很柔軟和舒適,可以令寶寶睡得更好。加上沒有尿布疹, 簡直是寶寶在天堂。你也可以安心睡覺 ZZZzzz。
  • 便盆訓練:大多數用尿布的寶寶通常會比較早懂得上廁所, 因為他們在尿布中小便時,會感覺到濕氣感。與一些即棄產品立刻變得乾爽, 會令寶寶難以建立便盆訓練,並使寶寶延遲上廁所過程。

為什麼選擇Charlie Banana®

  • 有專利調較尺寸系統
  • 選用超柔軟微纖絨毛布和有機棉
  • 1年保養期
  • CPSIA品質標準認證
  • 守護工人權益
  • 樂於公益捐贈與慈善, 例如微笑行動
  • 推廣減少廢物排放和環保
  • 鼓勵全世界各地的人們改變習慣,生活更健康
  • 是一間快樂的公司, 愛護我們的客戶
  • 公司雖小,卻懷有很大心願。
  • 致力改變世界, 而不單純為賺錢。
  • 是由法國、加拿大、中國 (香港)、巴西、菲律賓、義大利、蘇格蘭和立陶宛組成的專業團隊
