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Attitude Canada- Little Ones Laundry Detergent- Pear Nectar- 35 Loads 1.04L(幼兒專用洗衣液-梨花蜜味)

Attitude Living Canada

Ever wondered why babies spill so much? It takes 14 months to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to feed themselves with a spoon! There’s no point crying over spilt —or burped up— milk. Instead, embrace these messy moments and clean your child’s clothes with ATTITUDE’s Pear Nectar Baby Laundry Detergent. We use natural, effective, hypoallergenic ingredients so that you can get dirty without worry.

See table for dosing instructions. For tough stains, pour a small quantity directly on stain and rub or allow soaking before washing. Always check labels for special instructions. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.


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