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Ergo Pouch Australia


Not familiar with our amazing brand? Well here’s the low down.

We pride ourselves on being THE reliable and trusted innovators of natural, organic sleep products for babies and toddlers and first and foremost WE LOVE SLEEP! We are an Australian company renowned for the design and manufacture of high quality baby swaddles, sleeping bags and sleep suits made from skin-friendly natural breathable fibres and offer a diverse range of fashion forward designs and prints.

Our mission is to give baby a safe and better night’s sleep, and in style!


ergoPouch was founded in 2008 by super sleep deprived mum Alina Sack. Alina was inspired to develop the first ergoPouch sleeping bag with her first son who was somewhat of a ‘challenged’ sleeper. Desperate to help the entire family get a better night's sleep, Alina got out her sewing machine and made him the very first ergoPouch sleeping bag. It worked. He could move around the cot without getting tangled and the bag kept him snug and sleeping peacefully all night. Today ergoPouch is a market leading and award-winning brand in Australia and the company’s products are now sold worldwide in countries/continents such as New Zealand, USA, Europe/UK and Asia. Alina is supported by a fantastic team (us!) based in Melbourne, across all functions of HR, Finance, Marketing, Design, Customer Service, Sales, Warehousing and Logistics.


All of our products are made using natural breathable fibres such as organic cotton, bamboo and merino. Our entire range is ergonomically shaped for hip development and has been officially recognized by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute as “hip-healthy.” ergoPouch products are TOG (warmth) rated to suit every temperature and season and convertible for multi-functionality. Our products are designed to not only make baby sleep better but to look good too in contemporary fashion forward designs and prints.


Our award-winning ergoCocoon 2 in 1 baby swaddle sleep bag is designed to be both easy to use and difficult to escape from! The simple zip up design will keep baby snug and securely swaddled without the need for complicated wrapping. For those babies who like a little more freedom or are transitioning to arms out, the ergoCocoon has patented poppers in the armholes that can be used to convert from a swaddle to a sleeping bag.

The ergopouch Sleep Suit Bag is taking the world by storm! This innovative design converts from a sleep bag to a sleep suit with legs using zippers, making the transition from crib to pram or carrier an easy one! The Sleep Suit Bag is also the perfect choice for older babies and toddlers who like the freedom of movement, with grip pads on the feet for little walkers.

Our newest sleep bag is our Organic Cotton Jersey Bag, an ideal introductory sleeping bag for babies transitioning out of the ergoCocoon.

See why ergoPouch is fast becoming one of Australian mum’s most loved brands! Best eP X

ergo Pouch設計師 Alina Sack 的話 





來自澳洲的ergoPouch睡袋是獨創包巾與防踢被二合一「原創專利設計」, 所有產品皆使用親膚採用有機棉和天然竹纖維布料製成。有機棉和天然竹纖維布材質透氣不悶熱及恆溫的特色,可以幫助無法自行良好調節皮膚溫度的新生兒寶寶, 處於舒適的狀態, 令他們睡得更安穩持久。有機棉也可以保護寶寶稚嫩的肌膚,有效減低異位性皮膚炎發生的機率。布料全部通過國際專業機構認證。


睡袋採用雙向拉鍊設計,更換尿片快捷方便, 再也不用怕換片時嘈醒BB。不似傳統包布, 左綁右綁, 只要將BB放入ErgoPouch睡袋中, 拉鍊一拉就搞掂, 新手爸媽亦沒有難度。靈活的背心壓扣設計, 隨需要將BB雙手包緊或鬆開以便伸展活動。 

***仿子宮環境, 睡得更安心***

ErgoPouch睡袋仿照胎兒在子宮佈的姿勢打造, 帶給新生兒有如在媽咪子宮內, 被包覆的安心感覺, 安心促進啟動深層睡眠。 


鐘型下擺設計, 有助於初生BB被包裹有安全感的同時, 腿部又可自由活動伸, 有效幫助BB髖關節發育, 此產品亦榮獲IHDI國際髖關節發育協會的認證。 

***彈性鬆緊, 恰到好處***

傳統的紗巾包被, 包緊BB時雖然可以形造安全感, 但欠缺彈性就限制了BB活動發展, 綁鬆了又失去安心效果。ErgoPouch的包巾就採用了彈性良好的有機布料, 又可做到包緊的安全感, 又可讓BB有適度伸展不侷限生長發育。

