Over 70% of Finland’s entire surface is covered by forest. And, Lapland is where the magical, unpolluted Finnish forest within the Arctic Circle locates.
Here, is where the legendary natural skincare brand, FLOW COSMETICS, created.
At FLOW, we believe we have a responsibility.
We’ve seen up close just how unsavoury the beauty and cosmetics industry can be. How it’s become “okay”to stuff makeup, shampoos and hand creams full of needless parabens and nasty chemical fragrances. All for a few dollars more.
But as you know, here in Finland, we like to do things a little differently.
Our beauty Products are made with natural and organic ingredients Free from synthetic fragrances and coloring agents, parabens and other synthetic preservatives, petrochemicals and animal testing.
Food Your Skin Can Consume - Straight from Forests
At Flow, we create skincare products with the wild berries from the Arctic Forest - Lapland!
The plants of the north are grown in tough conditions where the short, intensive summer with the midnight sun enables the plants to absorb an exceptional amount of protective bioactive substances, i.e. vitamins and polyphenols. Among all, the Northern wild berries are considered as real Superfood. These edible wild berries have been proven to be healthy with numerous health effects including benefit to our skin.
We combine the essence of the wild berries that handpicked from clean, arctic regions to create products with the purity and high efficacy, that help prevent sign of ageing skin and improve skin’s condition.
A Legendary Story: Genuine Artisan Natural Cosmetics
Born in 2004 out of a desire to create beauty products that harness the healing benefits of our plentiful local, indigenous ingredients. Flow is the family-led innovation of a mother, aromatherapist and all-round superstar creator Riitta Jänkälä, who grew up in southern Lapland surrounded by incredible raw materials like Fresh Lingonberries, Arctic Raspberries and Wild Heather. Nowadays, Flow is selling in the most popular Finnish organic chain stores and exporting to other European countries.
“All our products at Flow are 100% natural & chemical free. Organic? We’re all about it. All our unrefined goodies are specially developed to harmonise nature’s most active remedies with your body’s unique needs”
by Riitta Jänkälä, Founder of Flow Cosmetics
芬蘭,一個遠離煩囂污染的自然國度,那兒除了聖誕老人村和北極光,還有一個於北歐家傳戶曉的純淨護理品牌 - FLOW COSMETICS。這個源自塵世美的護理品牌,以森林天然瑰寶製造了天然而高效的護膚品,全面拒絕化學原料,一心以愛承傳健康與美麗。
沒有華麗浮誇的包裝,以口碑代替宣傳,一切都來得平實而珍貴。FLOW 的產品以人手小批量在芬蘭新鮮製造,原材料均採摘自零污染的芬蘭森林和大地;由生長在芬蘭極地氣候的獨有植物和果實提煉而成的每一滴,都是精華中的精髓,蘊含豐富的養份,是至純至淨的肌膚禮物。
始創辦人Riitta Jänkälä 於 2004 創立品牌至今,一直堅持芬蘭獨有的天然護膚養肌智慧,熱情未減。今天的FLOW 已由最初的家庭式運作經營發展成為當地人的日常必備,銷售點遍佈全國, 更擴展至德國、瑞士、挪威、瑞典、丹麥、英國等多個以注重生活質素及天然健康美見稱的歐洲國家。
Flow 堅持所有產品的原材料必須達到國際 Natrue、德國 BDIH 及歐盟 ECOCERT 等3大國際權威性的天然有機化妝品認證標準。
不止於此,Flow 當中很多產品甚至遠高於這些嚴謹的有機認證標準:
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