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Gaia Natural Baby Australia

What products do you need to care for your baby's skin? 

GAIA Natural Baby developed a range of essential items that are most used within the first 5 years of a baby's life. Our aim is to keep baby skin care simple by offering you the basic items that nourish, nurture and gently care for your little one's skin without too much fuss or irritating ingredients.

GAIA Natural Baby takes into consideration that a baby's skin is thinner than that of an adult, more sensitive and does not have normal barrier functions when they are born. 

So we use ingredients that are known to be beneficial to skin, and include carefully selected natural and organic vegetable oils and extracts, to bring you our range of non-drying cleansers, skin-softening moisturisers, soothing nappy time products and bamboo baby wipes to care for your baby's every day needs.

Natural and organic oils and extracts included in our products are: 

  • organic rosehip oil
  • organic evening primrose oil
  • organic avocado oil
  • organic aloe vera leaf extract
  • organic shea butter
  • organic calendula
  • organic chamomile 
  • organic lavender
  • organic sweet orange
  • wheat germ oil
  • oat extract

Formulated especially for delicate baby skin, our products are suitable for all skin types, including those with sensitivities and irritations, making them eczema friendly. 

GAIA Natural Baby cannot treat or cure your baby's eczema, but we are able to provide you with a product that is free from ingredients known to trigger dryness, irritations and flare-ups.  There are NO artificial fragrances, soap, sulphates, petrochemicals, mineral oils, lanolin, paraben preservatives, propylene glycol or phthalates used in any of our washes, moisturiser, massage oil and wipes.  

We don't test on animals or include any animal ingredients so our range is vegan friendly, (excluding our soothing cream and nipple balm contain beeswax). All products are CCF accredited. 

Used in Maternity Hospitals 

Not only are GAIA Natural Baby products used in the nurseries of selected maternity hospitals around Australia, they also come highly recommended by midwives, maternal child health nurses and other health care professionals. 

"We recommend that you buy GAIA Natural Baby products for your baby as they are all natural and don t contain any harmful ingredients" Bridget - South Eastern Private Hospital

"We highly recommend GAIA Natural Baby products for your baby as they are soft and gentle and they are one of the few products that we choose to use in our nursery" Siosie - former Unit Manager, Maternity, St John of God Hospital, Berwick


GAIA 澳洲嬰兒有機潔膚及護膚產品

 Gaia Natural Baby Australia

-澳洲製造嘅GAIA係有機潔膚、護膚產品專家, 產品包括沐浴露、潤膚露等


-產品性質溫和,含有豐富既有機天然成分,並只用經過認證既純天然有機成分,澳洲好多BB都係用緊GAIA嘅潔膚、護膚產品, 所以可以講係澳洲最暢銷嬰兒用品品牌之一。

 *** 舒緩護膚乳 Soothing Cream 100ml – HKD98




***低敏沐浴露Bath & Body Wash 250ml – HKD96/ 500ml- HKD171

-成份天然, 有機植物精油 (包括甜橙、洋甘菊、薰衣草、月見草、牛油果) 中性酸鹼值與肌膚相近,溫和潔膚。

-敏感/濕疹皮膚適用 - 不含皂、化學起泡劑、化學防腐劑、石油化學物、人造香料。


 ***Sleeptime Bath Wash甜睡沐浴 500ml – HKD171

-成份天然, 有機月見草油 – 保持肌膚柔嫩

-有機薰衣草及有機依蘭 – 使心境平靜,更易安睡,延長睡眠時間,提高睡眠質素

-敏感/濕疹皮膚適用 - 不含皂、化學起泡劑、化學防腐劑、石油化學物、人造香料。


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