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Oli & Carol Barcelona

Oli&Carol is a recent born company from Barcelona specialized in designing natural baby rubber toys for modern parents and their kids. The creative souls behind the brand are Olimpia and Carolina, 20 and 25 year old sisters who decided to start a business four years ago.

They love design and nature and wanted to create environmentally friendly products in a business where they could enjoy and have fun together. Oli&Carol toys are made out of 100% natural rubber from Hevea trees, all in one piece with no holes to let water come inside and providing the creation of bacteria. 

As a result they are perfect for soothing gums, hygienic, safe to chew and biodegradable. They are used as teethers, bath toys, decorative objects and more.

The collections offer a wide variety of natural rubber toys for babies with different shapes and colors: fruits and veggies, animals, chewable bracelets, geometric figures, origami boats, beetle cars, monochrome and spotty ducks... Discover all these natural toys and find your favourite one! 

Olimpia and Carolina are in continuous innovation with their products and expansions, working in new collections with new shapes, textures and colors. They have assisted a great number of worldwide trade shows with their distributors. Their natural products could be found in more than 40 countries and their expansion is growing year after year.

They encourage people of their age to create their own company: “Make something easy and fun!”

-Natural Rubber: Made with 100% Natural Rubber from Hevea Trees. Soft, easy to grasp and safe to use as teether, bath toy , bracelet and sensorial game.

-Handmade and hand-painted one by one with safe and natural food grade dyes. There may be minor variations in color and shape.

-Eco-friendly: Handmade and hand-painted one by one with safe and natural food grade dyes. There may be minor variations in color and shape.

-100% safe: Non toxic. PVC, BPA, Phthalate and Nitrosamine Free. Highly hygienic, mold free. There are no holes in any of our designs preventing the presence of bacteria and mold.

-Certified quality: Certified by Bureau Veritas completely safe for kids, non-toxic. EN71, ASTM and Reach Certified. PVC, BPA, Phthalates and Nitrosamines free.

Socially responsible: Socially responsible. With every Oli&Carol toy you purchase you are helping scholarize kids in India.

來自西班牙巴塞隆納的Olimpia及Carolina兩姊妹, 在她們15歲及20歲昤共同創立了「Oli & Carol」, 一個充滿時尚藝術設計的天然橡膠品牌。她們的產品, 是牙膠(固齒器)的同時, 也是洗澡玩具。 每款產品都刻意造到真實物差不多,  立體感及仿真度高的惑官玩具, 可刺激嬰幼兒的視覺及觸覺發展。既經典又時尚的外型, 更可作為兒童房的佈置飾物, 為家居環境增添幾分童趣。


  1. 100%天然橡膠成分,萃取自馬來西亞橡膠樹汁液,產品柔軟有彈性,適合寶寶抓握。
  2. 西班牙設計,摩洛哥製造。
  3. 全系列產品皆手工製作,人工手繪上色, 邊緣不平滑或顏色不均等手作痕跡為正常現象。
  4. 採用天然無毒食品級染料,可放心讓寶寶啃咬及舔食,以舒緩寶寶長牙的不適感。
  5. 綠色玩具環保無負擔。天然橡膠丟棄後,可在自然界中自然分解,並且對天然環境無害,是非常環保的材質。
  6. 產品本身皆無洞,水無法滲入產品內部,不會造成細菌滋生或發霉的狀況。
  7. 全系列產品不含PVC、雙酚A、磷苯二甲酸酯、亞硝胺。
  8. 安全無毒環保材質通過BV必維國際檢驗集團(Bureau Veritas) 品質認證,商品品質安全無虞,可放心給嬰幼兒使用。
  9. 重視社會責任,創辦人Olimpia及Carolina兩姊妹深信自己有責任回饋社會,因此他們資助北印度一間學校,讓當地的孩子能接受基礎教育。當您購買Oli & Carol 產品後,也一同幫助第三社會的孩子們!


  • 天然橡膠若長時間不使用, 會加速其氧化或老化。
  • 清潔後請將水份擦乾及放置通爽乾燥的地方, 不可放於高溫及太陽下。
