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So Luxury Canada

Só Luxury

Só Luxury is the “baby” of two besties, Amanda & Shylah. Originally operating under the name Bébé de Luxe, a brand created by Amanda when her son was a baby, the two friends came together in the Spring of 2017 to discuss a partnership. It seemed a natural fit, since Shylah’s mom, Sue, had been an integral part of the BdL team for well over a year, managing all production and packaging while Amanda handled all other aspects.  

As growth does, things started to surpass the capacity of Amanda’s spare bedroom office in her townhouse and the hours she could devote to BdL at night once her son Rian was tucked into bed. Shylah swooped in to save the day and the girls were soon incorporating So Luxury Bath & Body Inc. and signing a lease for warehouse space.

Só was chosen from our joint Irish heritage and means Luxury.

We aim to embody Só in everything we do, in every product we create. We hope you will love the new brand as much as you love BdL. We will continue to offer the same high-quality products you were accustomed to, just a whole new “fresh and modern” look!

From - Amanda & Shylah   
