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The Humble Co. Sweden

Established in 2013

The Humble Co. is growing throughout the world. The products are available today at thousands of stores and dental clinics. Based in Sweden, The Humble Co. is leading a small revolution in oral care products – from design and manufacture to humbleness.

Developed by dentists

All our products have been conceived, designed and manufactured under the guidance and supervision of dentists. As dentists, we believe that first and foremost, our products must have an evidence-­based benefit and must perform effectively. We have therefore put significant time into testing and refining all our products to meet this priority.

Scandinavian design

Around the world, Scandinavian design is admired for its simplicity and efficiency. This has extended into efficient and environmentally conscious manufacturing, distribution and aftercare. The Humble Co. is proud of its Swedish origins and influence on the design and development of our products.
